2010年4月1日 星期四

Journal 2

Nowadays, everybody like to take pictures. But is it really what they look like originally? I don’t think so. I like to search the Korea ‘s Internet auction and each model on the website look like born with fine quality, they don’t have pimples, wrinkle on the face and their eyes are so big and the legs are very thin like you can snap it into two. It’s has some relationship with the software which you can change your appearance with the computer. And sometimes you use different angle to take picture, you can get the picture that don’t like what’s the model look like originally. It’s because of the angle.

Is this proverb “The camera never lies. ” is true? Maybe it’s not true nowadays. We can change what we want like; bigger eyes, more slender legs, no wrinkle on the face. So, maybe the proverb could change into “The camera sometimes lies.”

2 則留言:

  1. Hi Winnie,



    1. Nowadays, everybody like to take pictures. 請修改like

    2. But is it really what they look like originally? 這一句跟你想講的是不一樣的,請做大幅修改

    3. I don’t think so. I like to search the Korea ‘s Internet auction and each model on the website look like born with fine quality, they don’t have pimples, wrinkle on the face and their eyes are so big and the legs are very thin like you can snap it into two.
    第一,each model是單數,所以請改look
    第二,look like要加名詞,而且born with fine quality不是天生麗質的意思,請務必改寫
    第三,they don't have...請改斷句They don't have...

    4. It's has some relationship with the software which you can change your appearance with the computer.
    第一,it's has寫錯了
    第二,which you can change your appearance要加入用來(use to)
    第三,已寫software又寫the computer, 是多餘的,要和成computer software不然就把computer 刪掉

    5. you can get the picture that don’t like what’s the model look like originally 這裡的文法太可怕了,請大修特修

    6. Is this proverb “The camera never lies. ” is true? 有兩個is

    7. Maybe it’s not true nowadays. We can change what we want like; bigger eyes, more slender legs, no wrinkle on the face.
    為什麼want 後有個like; 檢查一下

    8. So, maybe the proverb could change into “The camera sometimes lies.” 這個ending 不錯

  2. Thank you, John.

    Nowadays, everybody likes to take pictures. But is it what they real like? I don’t think so. I like to search the Korea ‘s Internet auction and each model’s skin on the website looks good, they don’t have pimples, wrinkle on the face and their eyes are so big and the legs are very thin like you can snap it into two. It has some relationship with the software which you can change your appearance with it. And sometimes you use different angle to take picture, you can get the picture that don’t look like your real face. It’s because of the angle.

    Is this proverb “The camera never lies. ” true? Maybe it’s not true nowadays. We can change what we want; bigger eyes, more slender legs, no wrinkle on the face. So, maybe the proverb could change into “The camera sometimes lies.”
